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· What is the difference between zeroing and calibration? How to operate? [2010-02-10]
· How to display several results simultaneously in the same picture? [2010-02-10]
· How to set up the functional relation between new added column and the previous column? [2010-02-10]
· What is fitting? How to fit? [2010-02-10]
· How to select sensor’s range? [2010-02-10]
· What are the powerful functions of the form? [2010-02-10]
· How to view graphs? [2010-02-10]
· How to understand the three kinds of acquisition mode in the acquisition parameters? [2010-02-10]
· How to save the file? [2010-02-10]
· What is the value of experimental template? [2010-02-10]
· What distinguishing features do EDISLAB have? [2010-02-10]
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