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        Founders of Edison had been planning on setting up a company specializing in the R&D and manufacturing of digital exploratory experimental system since 2005. Given the laggard technology in domestic field, they decided to search for mature technical teams and cooperative partners. It was almost two years before they finally set up a development team with solid technological basis and strong technical strength, including some hardware and software engineers who have the earliest experience working with systems of this kind, and teaching experts with abundant experience in experiment teaching. In March, 2007, Jiangsu EDISON Education Development CO.LTD was officially registered in Nanjing. Its English name EDISON is quite profound in meaning. Specifically, the letter “E” stands for education; “DIS” conforms to the domestic concept of digital information system; “ON” implicates sustaining development. Generally, the string “EDISON” can be easily associated with the name of the great inventor Thomas Alva Edison, implying for the company’s persistent pursuit of quality and creativity.
Thanks to the rich experience development team members brought from different companies, EDISON Company has a high technological starting point which enables it to learn adequately from rivals home and abroad to overcome its own insufficiencies. After one-year strenuous work in products research and development, EDISON Company has successfully launched its products in the National Educational Equipments Fair of Wuhan in October, 2007. Its first generation of digital exploratory experimental series products turns out to be eye-catcher to all visitors with their ingenious design, delicate appearance, and customer-friendly packaging. Moreover, EDISON products shocked the whole field with excellent performance, unique software style, and leading biochemical sensors.
        In 2008, EDISON Company began to enter the domestic market and was immediately greeted by the chaos and complications in the field of digital experimental products. It faced great challenge in many aspects. Firstly, with 6 years’ development, however, EDISON still enjoyed low brand awareness in domestic educational circle and its market development was still in the bud phase. Secondly, with low utilization rate, users seldom realized the importance of excellent performance of quality goods and were continually misled by those fake and shoddy bargains. The vicious price war in the market posed a great disadvantage to EDISON Company who mainly imported its components and electrodes from developed countries. Thirdly, EDISON Company, as a latecomer in the field, was almost elbowed out in the public biddings. Faced with such unfavorable conditions, however, EDISON Company persisted in improving and developing its products. Hard work pays off. Gradually it made many breakthroughs in marketing area which has expanded to include top-level sample school like He’nan Experimental Middle school, Nanjing Ninghai Middle school, etc.
        2009 is a critical year for the existence and development of EDISON Company. Following the development trend of international industry, EDISON Company took a further step in expanding its products lines. It took the lead in developing a multi-functional hand analyzer, which, with its delicate appearance and varied functions, soon held sway over the domestic market of hand-held screen data logger. Meanwhile, the company continued to expand its products lines and improve its core competitiveness by developing more auxiliary experimental appliances and new types of sensors including heart rate sensor, electro-cardiography sensor, chlorine sensor, hydric sensor, carbon monoxide sensor, thermal radiation sensor, multi-range current sensor, multi-range voltage sensor, and angle sensor, etc. Thanks to its commitment to high quality and better service, EDISON Company began to win increasing attention in domestic educational circle. For times it won out in much public bidding of different time and places including a large number of exemplary projects like Nanjing Normal University, Tianjin Science and Technology University, Shenzhen Shiyan Public School, Jiangsu Changshu Middle School, Xi’an Xinqu No. 1 Middle School, and Hubei Gezhou Dam No.1 Middle School, etc. With strenuous efforts in all-round market expansion, EDISON has reaped many fruitful achievements. It soared as an absolute up-rising star in the field, enjoying the highest brand reputation and the top three brand awareness and market liveness.
        Now, EDISON Company has sketched its grand blueprint for 2010: to advance in the national market with greater coverage and depth and to make an initial try on entering the international market. EDISON team will hold firmly its founding purpose and action guideline of “Superior quality, faithful service, persistent working, educational service” and goes all out for a better future!

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